What is the Purpose of Bible Study Fellowship?
The Scriptures indicate that the Christian life is to be lived out in community with other believers. Within that community, we are instructed to encourage one another, serve one another, rejoice and weep with one another, correct, instruct, build up, accept and love one another. Bible Study Fellowship provides a wonderful context to facilitate involvement in one another’s lives. In times such as these we’re not using COVID-19 as an excuse not to fulfill the great commission. We are reaching, teaching, and ministering to those who find themselves in an unexpected place during this season. We are the Church!
Hebrews 10:24‐25 says,
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
As a church, we are hopeful that our Bible Study Fellowship ministry will be one of the significant ways we live out our obedience to this exhortation.
Our Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Teachers and Students are standing on the promises of God. And no matter what God has in store for us in 2022 – you don’t have to celebrate it, grieve it or pray through it by yourself! We promise you – being a part of a BSF Class means that no one walks alone!
Choose one of the Downtown Campus BSF Classes listed below. All Classes are taught via Zoom. To register or if you have any questions – please contact us at [email protected] or call 904-355-9525. (If you are currently in a class and want to remain where you are you do not have to register).
We are so grateful for the 30+ BSF Teachers who are committed to prayer, preparation and being present for each class trusting God for the results. Won’t you join us?
- Men’s Study of Ephesians – to register please reply to [email protected]
Broken marriages, shattered friendships, racial divisions, war between nations-we live in a fractured world. How can the pieces be put back together? In Ephesians Paul lifts the veil from the future to allow us to see God’s plan to unite everyone and everything in Christ. Studying this book will renew your hope. This Bible Study features 11 studies and additional questions for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and an extra “Now or Later” section in each study.
Sermon Based
- Sermon Based Study – to register please reply to [email protected]
This class is designed to follow the teaching/preaching ministry of the Senior Pastor. Presently we are studying 1 Peter.
On-Going Studies
- New Curriculum Coming Soon
Core Studies
- Intro to Shiloh (New Members Class) – to register please reply to [email protected]
Our Intro to Shiloh classes are designed for those who are new to Christ and/or new to Shiloh Church. There are four required lessons to complete the membership process if you are joining by statement/Christian experience. If you are joining as a new Christian then the 4 classes and baptism are included in your process. The classes are: Step #1 – Following Christ; Step #2 – Church Membership; Step #3 – Bible Study Fellowship; Step #4 – Christian Service. The classes correspond with the Sunday of the month (i.e. Lesson #1 is taught the 1st Sunday etc.). in addition to being taught Sundays at 8 a.m., the class is also taught Wednesdays at 6 p.m., but require an email on Tuesday or Wednesday morning to confirm your attendance.
- Fundamentals of Faith – to register please reply to [email protected]
Thirteen lessons blend basic biblical truths with personal obedience and service. Many young believers take these classes to grow in their understanding of biblical truths. With topics ranging from the character of God to church participation, it’s an ideal study for discipling new believers or returning to the basics of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Old Testament – to register please reply to [email protected]
During our 26 weeks in these 39 books we will examine two purposes for studying the Old Testament. First, the Old Testament reveals the character of God in a way that the New Testament does not. In the New Testament, we have the benefit of great clarity, and the benefit of considering God this side of Christ. Second: the Old Testament tells us about Jesus. And it does that in three ways. It is the context for the events of the New Testament. Historically, to be sure. But also thematically. The Old Testament is the source of, by one count, 295 references and 600 allusions in the New Testament that help us understand who Jesus is. The New Testament writers clearly expect a working knowledge of the Old Testament. If we were to summarize the entire Old Testament in a simple phrase, it would be “promises made.” We learn of our need for God’s promises—we are sinners, unable to save ourselves and condemned to hell by a just God. But we learn of our promise-making God, who in his mercy promises us what we could never achieve ourselves. And finally, we’ll look at the story of his promise, which ultimately carries us into the ministry of Jesus Christ.
- New Testament – to register please reply to [email protected]
During these 26 weeks overview of the New Testament we will study both “The King and the Kingdom” and the Promises God has Kept to His people. Our hope is to demonstrate the continuity of themes across the span of scripture. The purpose and summary of course is to understand the big picture of each book of the New Testament; understand the continuity between the books in the New Testament; realize the Promises God has kept to His People from the Old Testament and to hear God speak to us today through His Word and so to be challenged in our lives.