New Members Class – (Adults/Rm 211 & Youth/Room 201)
Looking for a welcoming atmosphere where you can not only enhance your spiritual growth but also get to know your church family members? New Members Class is the place for you! There’s no need to wonder about what Shiloh has to offer or try to independently figure out how you can contribute to the ministry. Join the weekly church family “reunion” and get the knowledge, guidance, and assistance you need. The New Members Ministry is awaiting your arrival with a warm smile, welcoming spirit and an abundance of information to help you through your membership journey.
Fundamentals of the Faith – Rm 102
The Fundamentals of the Faith class offers an opportunity intended to help you take the next steps in your Christian journey beyond the New Members Class. This small group setting will allow you to ask questions and gain clarification on important Biblical doctrines in a judgment-free zone. It also helps to equip you to think and behave Biblically, while allowing you the opportunity to connect with other new believers, as well as those who find it important to enhance their spiritual walk. All of this can lead to lasting relationships that will help you feel more connected to your church family.
Married Couples A – Rm 307
We are a fellowship of married couples, both young and seasoned alike, who love our spouses as Jesus loves the Church. We study and discuss God’s Word in a uniquely open atmosphere and use that Word to help us deal with “married folks” issues in a Godly way. Come connect with us as we grow and uplift each other while growing closer as husbands and wives in His service.
Married Couples B– Dining Room
The Married Couples BSF Class meets weekly and our purpose is to teach the “Word of God” and how to apply that Word to our marriages, home life, workplace, and children.
Women of Faith – Rm 106
We are a group of diverse ladies committed to studying God’s Word, having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We study and share a personal experience of how the Word of God impacts our lives as we endeavor to impact the lives of those we come in contact with to make more and better disciples for Christ. Our journey takes us through the trials and tribulations associated with living the life God intended. Our study gives us the tools needed to make our daily travels light, enjoyable and uplifting through God’s Word
Trinity (Coed Class 18+) – Music Suite
We are a group of working and retired adults who love the Lord and strive daily to have a closer walk with God. We are committed to studying the Word of God, letting the gospel light shine and making ourselves available for service to God. We love our Christian brothers and sisters and are compelled to reach the unsaved for Christ.
Christian Growth Seekers (Coed Class) – Board Rm
We’re a community of co-ed adults who are on a lifelong journey to becoming Christ-like by studying God’s word. Whether you’re married or single, our class offers the opportunity to meet other believers who enjoy the word, prayer, fellowship, and support of one another. Our hope is that your journey of faith is enriched weekly when you join us to study God’s word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1
Delight in God (Coed) – Room 207
Our goal is to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Join us this semester as we continue to study God’s word together.
Women of Love – Rm 109
When you step into the room you cannot help but become invigorated by the love of the Women from ages 18 to 92! This class appropriately fits with who we were called to be as Women who Study God’s Word so we may be perfected in His Will. We have become better Bible Scholars, Prayer Warriors, Praisers, and Proclaimers. We just have fun fellowshipping together, singing, repenting, crying, laughing and rejoicing. You will walk out of this class with a renewed spirit; transform the heart and a desperate hunger wanting to study the Word of God and Fellowship with these group of Sisters Sunday after Sunday.
Young Adults (Coed/25-34 years old) – Rm 205
We are a group of young adults who are pursuing a lifestyle of worship by living out God’s plan for our lives. As we study the Word of God together, we hope that your knowledge of Him becomes deeper, your relationship with Him becomes intimate, and your commitment to Him increases. Our desire is that you will connect and build relationships, grow together, and humbly serve God and others.
Women of the Word – Rm 306
Women of the Word is a multigenerational class that seeks to dig deeper into God’s Holy Word. We are a group of loving ladies who eagerly seek God’s face daily with a strong desire to apply His Word to our lives in every circumstance. Come join us on our journey.
Seasoned Women – Rm 203
“We are a BSF class for women ages 30 to 44. We are seasoned women of God, seasoning each other from the Word of God. We take the principles learned from our Bible study lessons and apply them to our lives and daily Christian walk. From God and these learned principles, we are becoming salt and light to a bland and dark world by practicing the Great Commission of going out and making disciples of all the nations through the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit”.
College Age (Coed/18-24) – Rm 301
Our College-Age Bible Study Fellowship class is designed to speak into the lives of young people who are beginning to step out into the world that is “no friend of grace.” Our goal helps build and strengthen the faith and fiber of young Christian men and women, which will equip them to stand up for God in whatever environment they find themselves and to glorify Him in every aspect of their lives. We look forward to you joining us each week, as we take this journey of faith together.
Sister’s Keepers – Rm 308
Our Bible Study Class consist of a diverse group of women who gather each Sunday to gain a better understanding of God’s word through study and application. As Sisters-in- Christ and members of the family of God we encourage and support one another through prayer and thanksgiving as we seek to do His will.
Disciples for Christ (Men) – Rm 108
Man’s identity is found in his relationship with God and his God-given purpose within God’s creation. This class is designed to mature Christian men through Transformational Discipleship, with an emphasis on how to connect grow and serve while making more and better disciples.
Powerful Christians (Men) – Rm 206
Our All Male Bible Study group engages in issues we face every day and lead us to see them from God’s perspective. Our care groups are committed to caring & sharing for team member regularly.
Sisters of Destiny – Rm 305
Each woman that enters this class will begin to connect the dots of what it means to do life together as we study, share and grow our roots deeper; with an understanding that God’s true purpose for us is to serve one another and those beyond classroom 305.
Ladies in Faith Together (L.I.F.T./55+)
This BSF group will meet for the sole purpose of studying God’s Word, encouraging spiritual growth, enjoying fellowship together, and participating in community outreach to share the love of Christ.
Elementary School (K-5th) – KIDZ Zone
Our mission for Bible Study Fellowship for children (Nursery to 5th grade) is to come alongside parents to help build a Biblical foundation for their children. We offer a loving and fun environment where children connect with God, His Word, mentors, parents, and peers. Come, give us a try on Sunday mornings. We are excited about connecting with families!
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