What To Expect
Visiting a church for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help make a visit to Eternity Church that little bit easier.
If you’re planning to come to our Eternity Church service on Sunday mornings, Kids check-in opens at 9:45am and our service begins at 10:00. We suggest arriving a bit earlier to find a parking space and walk to our building. Our Help Team are ready to greet visitors from 9:30am onwards, so we would love you to arrive early if you can.
It’s hard to give an exact time, as our song and talk lengths can vary from week to week, but our services generally last 80 – 90 minutes, however we’d love you to stick around longer for a coffee so we can get to know you (and so you can get to know us!)
Our pastors preach from the Bible. This means we open up the Bible before every talk, hear it read, and then hear the pastor explain it and apply it. We usually work through books of the Bible, looking at a small section week by week, but we sometimes hear about what the Bible says about particular topics. Every so often we have a guest preacher who might give a talk outside of our regular preaching series.
Absolutely! We have many families attending Multiply Church. Each Sunday morning Eternity Kids opens from 9:45am and runs for the duration of our “adult” service. Unsure where to take your children when you arrive? Just look for a Connect Team member or someone wearing a blue Eternity Kids shirt – they’ll be able to point you in the right direction!
We also run a supervised crèche for children under two years old. This is open from 9:15am onwards. There are three volunteers looking after the crèche each morning. You are welcome to leave your child with them (they’ll send you a text if your child does not settle), but you are also free to stay with your child in crèche.
During school terms, youth that are turning 12 to 14 years old are invited to join our boys and girls Junior Youth Growth Groups (held during the morning service). At Junior Growth Group, our youth are led in a Bible Study by our dedicated Youth Leaders.